"EDucation is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"  -Nelson Mandela

We believe that by educating Africa's most vulnerable population, women and children, we empower a whole community to see beyond the conditions of their environment and inspire them to reach for a better life.

Care4Africa provides scholarships to students from underprivileged families who otherwise could not afford school and could not rise above their current conditions.



Our youth empowerment program provides a safe environment for children to learn. 



Our Youth Empowerment Program allows our students to have experiences beyond Africa to help them become future leaders. These types of opportunities are usually only reserved for the wealthy but we believe our best and brightest students should have those same opportunities.

Most of our students have never left the community where they were born, conditioned to a life of perpetual poverty. With programs such as the Anthony Robbins Global Youth Leadership Summit (GYLS), students are able to break out of the mold and interact with youth leaders from all over the world. They can then see firsthand the possibilities that exist and open their mind to limitless potential. Our teens who have participated in programs like the GYLS return home and inspire others in their community to see that education can make a difference in one’s life. The GYLS is the perfect opportunity for young leaders to see beyond the conditions of their environment and inspire them to dream big and become an instrument for change in Africa. Take action to help the youth empowerment program and provide a safe environment for children in Africa. >

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our heart project

Help us complete the only school in this Guinean village, so that children can have a chance at an education and find their passion.


This small village located in the fouta in Guinea never had a school. Young boys that were lucky enough to be sent to school, had to walk 30 minutes to another another village to get an education. Girls had no options at all due to limited space and instead were kept at home for housework and training to be young wives and mothers.

Today, thanks to members of the extended Care4Africa family, there is a small classroom so that the kids in the village can learn to read and write. The school has only 2 classes run by 1 teacher and no bathroom on site which means that girls are less likely to attend. Care4 Africa wants to help change that by expanding to a full elementary school with equal opportunities for boys and girls, get involved in the project. >


Hassan's STORY


In 2013, we heard of a bright 10 year old boy,

He was known as the neighborhood genius that was doing so well in school that he had been accepted into one of the most prestigious schools in the country with a partial scholarship. 

We learned that his family was in need of the registration fees and without the funds, he risked losing his scholarship. We at Care4africa, could not let that happen, we immediately took care of what he needed and since then, he continues to amaze us. 

Two years later, we had a surprise in store for Hassan. He was 1 of 5 students that Care4Africa selected to send to Anthony Robbins' GYLS in San Diego, all expenses paid. It was his first time ever leaving his hometown and using 

his own words:  “I could have never imagined that I could be one of those lucky kids that get to go to the US and participate at such an important global event. I felt like I mattered too. If I could be here with 300 others students from around the world,

"Anything is possible for me."

After that summer, he returned home inspired by the experience and has become a young leader in his community. Thanks to Hassan, all the others kids know that possibility exists for them as well.

He is now beginning high school on an academic scholarship at one Ivory Coast’s elite scientific schools. He is excited about the future and continuing his education and life experiences.